
Re: [Lingo] Profiling vs Performance Analysis

Ngày 2012/06/13 21:21, Stephen J. Turnbull viết:
> No. Profiling is a subset of performance analysis. Performance
> analysis can be done by algorithmic analysis as well as by profiling.
Profiling is translated (or used) as 性能分析 or 性能解析 as I found in

However, if we translate 性能解析 back to English, the result should be
"performance analysis".

I agree that profiling is a subset of performance analysis but the point
is here is,
when "profiling" is going to be translated into Japanese for the first time
the translator has two choices:

1. Use katanana: プロファイリング (yes, this is very easy and
specialized for Japanese,
but not applicable for Vietnamese)
2. 履歴作成? which does not make a good sense
3. Translate the meaning or the purpose of "profiling": 性能解析
In this approach, 性能解析 will not contain some meaning that the
original word (profiling) has.

IMO, this is a trade-off and thanks to katanaka, pu ro fi ring gu is the
easiest way :)

[1] http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%80%A7%E8%83%BD%E8%A7%A3%E6%9E%90

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